
博彩网址大全的课程强调跨学科的研究, 通过研究和其他项目进行实践学习, 各专业写作, 培养在工作和生活中脱颖而出的批判性思维和阅读能力. 你需要130个学分才能从博彩网址大全毕业——但这只是一个数字. 从博彩网址大全获得学位不仅仅是完成一系列要求.

  • Earning a degree from Carthage is about receiving individual attention from professors at the top of their fields 在可能只有少数其他学生的课堂上.
  • 它是关于从新的方向和新的地方解决问题, 通过提供跨学科课程和 1项.
  • 而是研究社会赖以建立的文化基础 通过 知识基础 研讨会.
  • 它是关于通过进行自己的原创性研究和分析来学习解决问题 然后把你的发现告诉别人.
  • 它是关于从一个好学生变成一个伟大的博彩网址大全.

Below is a list of the academic experiences students have at Carthage — basically your map to your transformation. 请注意:在读学生应遵循打印版本的 大学目录 并与他们的顾问和系主任合作,确保满足所有要求.

看专业 & 未成年人


你需要130个学分才能毕业. 大部分课程是4学分, 全日制学生每14周可以注册12-18个学分.

大约三分之一的课程是核心课程,所有专业都是这样. 另外三分之一是与你的专业相关的课程. 剩下的课程将是选修课——你选择这些课程是为了提高你的专业水平, 拓宽你的专业知识, 或者探索新的兴趣.


通识教育课程由一门知识基础研讨会课程组成, 健康要求, 反射框架, 以及一套分为三类的课程要求:探索, 能力, 和观点.

A graphic that explains Carthage's new general education plan, which begins for new students ente...


  • 一(1)知识基础课程 所有学生必须成功完成一门名为 知识基础通常在第一年的秋季学期进行. 《博彩网址大全》会让你接触到一些最伟大思想家的作品, 作者, 艺术家, 所有时代的领导者——不是让你对他们的天才发出“哦”和“啊”的感叹, 但你可以以此为基础. 你会想象什么是可能的, 学会独立思考, and discover what you’re capable of achieving through a combination of intense discussions and complex writing assignments. * Note: Students who entered Carthage prior to Fall 2020 must complete two semesters of 知识基础.


  • 一(1)门或以上健康课程(至少2学分) 通过健康要求, 你将获得更健康生活所必需的知识和技能, 增进你在博彩网址大全及其他地方的福祉. Wellness is a holistic approach, optimizing your life through a dynamic process of growth and change. Students will have the opportunity to take a wellness course focused on improving their well-being in the following areas: mental and emotional, 物理, 环境, 社会, 金融, 精神上的, 知识, 和职业. 


The 探索 category encourages students to develop a sense of 知识 curiosity by exploring courses from across the College and studying the process by which knowledge is acquired in a range of different disciplines. 学生将在以下四个领域各上一(1)门探索课程: 

  • 一门艺术探究课程(4学分)  学生有机会通过学习文学课程来表演或创作, 执行, 或者视觉艺术. 选项包括表演, 跳舞, 声乐或乐器课程, 音乐乐团, 音乐剧工作坊, 歌剧生产, 和更多的! 
  • 一(1)文化传承课程(4学分)  We cultivate a deeper understanding of our world and our place in it by examining and asking questions about the legacies of human 文化s — their histories and the products they leave behind. This sort of inquiry teaches us about the values and perspectives of other 文化s while also deepening our understanding of our own 文化. 学生将从诗歌、小说、绘画、戏剧、历史、神话等中获得洞察力. 
  • 一(1)社会互动课程(4学分 学生将学习人类行为的模式, 社会互动, 我们创造的结构塑造了这些互动, 以及整个社会.
  • 一(1)科学探索课程(4学分) Students will learn how to better understand and interpret scientific information in order to make good decisions for themselves and their communities. Curiosity about the workings of the natural world is an essential part of what makes us human — engaging with the process of scientific discovery is a core part of the acquisition of knowledge. 


The 能力 category encourages students to develop some of the skills needed for success in college and beyond. 学生将学习两门全球语言课程, 四门书面沟通课程, 口头交流和定量推理各上一门课. 

  • 两(2)国际语言课程(8学分) 在全球社会中理解和互动越来越需要语言技能. 全球语言课程培养语言和文化能力, 以及基本的外语沟通技巧. 
  • 四(4)书面沟通课程(16学分) Writing is a pivotal form of communication across all disciplines, professions, and walks of life. The ability to 善于表达 ideas through writing is essential — writing must be taught and practiced at every level of the education process to equip students to share with clarity and distinction in a complex world. 学生将练习并提高清晰表达思想和论点的能力, 精确的, 表达性写作. 
  • 一(1)口语交际课程(4学分) 清晰有效的语言表达是我们在生活的各个领域所需要的技能. We need to communicate cogently whether we are engaging in a small group discussion or presenting to a large audience. Although some oral communication is inherently woven into the experience of a college education, intentional and consistent development of these skills will provide you with a foundation for success. 
  • 一(1)定量推理课程(4学分) 作为受过教育的公民, our understanding of the world around us and our ability to make reasoned decisions is based in part on quantitative information. 为了管理我们的财务, 保持健康, 关注新闻, 我们需要能够处理数值数据. 除了, we recognize that students need more opportunities to develop quantitative skills that are relevant to many majors and professions. 


This category encourages students to consider the world around them from a range of different angles. 学生将在以下各领域选修一门课程:宗教观点, 不同的观点, 国际视角, 跨学科视角. 

  • 一(1)宗教观点课程- 在世界各地,宗教往往是文化、伦理和社会实践的基础. 通过宗教观点的要求, 学生将做好分析的准备, 善于表达, and defend religious views — their own and others’ — as they encounter a world of ethical complexity.
  • 一(1)多元视角课程- 我们生活在一个多元化的社会, 多样性有多种形式,包括种族, 种族, 宗教, 社会阶层, 性取向, 性别认同. It’s important for students to gain awareness of the ways in which diverse individuals and groups interact, 去了解我们制度中个人和制度的不平等, and to understand how the diverse 知识 and cultural contexts that surround us allow us to recognize our own context. Students will gain broader perspectives that can be useful in helping overcome the limitations inherent in any single context.
  • 一(1)国际视野课程 我们也生活在一个全球化的社会, 博彩网址大全, 文化, 政治, 迁移, 贸易变得越来越重要. This ongoing globalization emerges from interactions among individuals representing countries and cultural identities from all over the world, 每个都有自己的背景, 理想, 和目标. Understanding these global issues requires not only awareness of the issues but also an ability to see them from a perspective beyond that of the United States in order to interpret and interact with the world appropriately and effectively.
  • 一(1)跨学科视角课程- Interdisciplinary studies are at the core of the liberal arts experience — they encourage students to consider important questions from multiple perspectives and to value the outcomes of this approach. 这促进了认知发展, including diverse approaches to knowledge acquisition and the integration of alternate perspectives. 因此,这些经历为学生在现代社会的成功做好了准备. 


反思框架帮助学生处理他们的经历, 有意识地对待他们的选择, 制定适当的教育计划. 许多学生开始他们的大学之旅时都不确定自己是谁, 他们想成为什么样的人, 以及他们的教育如何支持他们发展和完善他们的目标. 帮助学生自己找到这些问题的答案, 反思贯穿于博彩网址大全的课程之中. 这些课程组成部分使用教学, 指导, 同行的讨论, and individual self-examination to help students personalize their education and 善于表达 the role it plays in their ongoing individual development. 



你的专业最多需要56个学分, 在任何一个部门内不得超过40个学分. You may count a maximum of 56 credits in any one department toward graduation; however, 你必须在主修系之外修满74个学分才能毕业. (For transfer students, a minimum of 12 credits in the major must have been completed at Carthage.)

未成年人是可选的,除非指定为专业的要求. 未成年人可以通过选修课和一般要求来学习. 辅修课程最少20学分,最多24学分. Those planning to obtain teacher licensure must consult with the College certification officer. 学生必须在博彩网址大全完成至少12个学分的辅修课程.


Electives allow you to explore 知识 interests in a wide variety of disciplines and areas of knowledge. 所以请仔细阅读博彩网址大全目录或者我们的课程页面 75个研究领域. 你还想进一步了解什么? 现在是你的机会. 去学点东西.



博彩网址大全是国内为数不多的要求毕业论文的学校之一. 所有学生必须完成一篇毕业论文, 但别担心:你的论文指导老师会指导你的研究, 协助你研究技术, 并帮助你磨练你的演讲技巧. 这是你运用过去三年所学知识的机会. 你的毕业论文可以采用书面论文的形式, 实验室研究, 艺术展览, 音乐演奏会, 或者其他适合你专业的重要的综合经验. Students graduating with more than one major must complete a senior thesis project for each major, 或各专业或专业批准的一项综合性高级项目.
